Sunday, May 17, 2009

1984, by George Orwell: The Greatest Novel Ever Written?

Every time I read a review that proclaims a novel as the greatest novel of the twentieth century, I have to roll my eyes and smirk. Opinions are so diverse; I do not understand why I even attempt to gather book lists from the Inter-webs. However, most readers that I consult agree that George Orwell’s 1984 definitely has a place in the topmost echelon of fiction novels.

Written during a time of great distress, Orwell constructed a masterpiece that has become prophetic in its descriptions of, and synonymous with, government intrusion of individual civil liberties. From the ever-present telescreens to the paranoia-inducing thought police, George Orwell allows the reader a glimpse into a world where children denounce their families, a person can become an unperson, and only the Party matters. Winston Smith, the hopelessly doomed hero of the narrative, is a thinking member of the Outer-Party, a political body that discourages members from having any thought. The only thoughts that a Party Member (Inner or Outer) should have are thoughts of and for the Party.

The allusions to Josef Stalin’s regime are the most obvious surface associations; however, if one reads outside the obvious narrative it will become plain that Orwell is railing against all totalitarian societies. The world in which Winston Smith endures could easily be any of the industrialized societies, including the post-9/11 American society of the Patriot Act. It is this ability to remain relative in the modern day that allows 1984 to continue its haunting march through time.

With that in mind, I want to refocus your attention to the original question: Is 1984 the greatest novel ever written? Short answer, yes. “How can you make such a claim?!”, you may ask. To that I say, “Reading is a completely personal experience.” Sure, I enjoy the discussions about books, the trading of ideas, and the general companionship of a fellow reader, but mostly I just love reading. When I read, I consume the story like a meal. It nourishes my mind, it excites certain tastes, and it has a unique relationship with my personal experiences. I could never hope to experience 1984 from another’s viewpoint, but neither would I want to. This book changed me; it had profound effects on my life. Does this happen with every person that reads Orwell’s masterpiece? Surely not! Nevertheless, it happened to me and for that, I will be eternally grateful.

--Lance Rulau

1984,George Orwell

Rating: (10) Best Book I Have Ever Read

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